Burnout Test 225th July 2019|By Jody Hockley I’m tired and unmotivated even when I get enough sleep. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm easily frustrated or irritable. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I’ve started to feel negative towards anything work related. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I feel misunderstood. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I feel under appreciated at work. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I struggle to empathise with other people. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am having trouble sleeping. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I feel run down and exhausted. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always My mood is often low. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am struggling to make decisions. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don’t feel fulfilled anymore by my job. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I feel under too much pressure from work and home. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I feel like I’m not fulfilling my own expectations at work. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I have been using external things to help me cope with how I feel (such as alcohol, drugs, food or sex). Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I'm having trouble concentrating. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I work long hours and don’t give myself enough time off. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am feeling physical symptoms such as back pain or a bloated stomach. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I am constantly stressed. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I struggle to be present. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about my problems. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always You have completed the Behavioural Wealth Burnout Test. To learn the results of your test, please enter your details below. Your details will be kept strictly confidential and will never be shared with third parties. (*indicates required fields) Name* Email* Phone Tick here to receive our brochure via email. I would like to be contacted to discuss the results of my test. I would like to be contacted to arrange a private consultation. Time's up PrevNext